Top 10 similar words or synonyms for koevoets

sorebo    0.924326

chikugi    0.923954

rojotte    0.921143

walicke    0.920197

rahmes    0.919263

biord    0.916284

batrabet    0.915826

aharinejad    0.915482

marynowski    0.914025

nohaira    0.911920

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for koevoets

Article Example
Unione Triestina 2012 S.S.D. In addition, Triestina's owner Flaviano Tonellotto was forced to resign on 1 February 2006 by the magistrates because of a pending court procedure for bankruptcy, and his wife Jeannine Koevoets was named to replace him at the helm of the club. However, Tonellotto was successively ordered to leave the association because of financial troubles. The magistrates named Francesco De Falco as caretaker chairman with the idea of finding somebody interested to buy the club. Curiously, in the 2005–06 De Falco, a player for Triestina in the 80's, covered three different roles in the club: director of football, manager and chairman. In April 2006 the team was purchased by the Fantinel family, owners of a wine company in the region.