Top 10 similar words or synonyms for kholm

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toropets    0.864149

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izium    0.847912

izyum    0.831240

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orsha    0.817544

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gdov    0.801643

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for kholm

Article Example
Kholm District Kholm District is a district of Balkh Province, Afghanistan. Its capital lies at Kholm.
Kholm, Afghanistan The town is slightly to the south of the ruins of the ancient town of Aornos, destroyed in the mid-16th century.
Kholm, Afghanistan The Bagh-e Jehan Nama Palace is turning once again into a beautiful palace and this time a palace that can function as a museum to show all the visitors the ethnographic heritage of the region. The local ownership and commitment that is purchased in this programme is the firm basis for a sustainable future of this first ethnographic museum in Afghanistan.
Kholm Pocket At the small Kholm pocket, 5,500 German soldiers held it for 105 days. The pocket was supplied by air, but was too small for planes to land; therefore, supplies had to be dropped in and recovered by the German defenders. Among the airdropped supplies were 35 of the first 50 prototype MKb 42(H) rifles.
Kholm Pocket The German units in the pocket were mainly part of: