Top 10 similar words or synonyms for idunganran

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hizen    0.562554

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for idunganran

Article Example
Iga Idunganran Esu (pronounced Éshu) can be found at the exit gate of the Palace. Esu was brought from Benin. It is also known by many other names, the most prominent of which is "the devil" which was borrowed from Christianity. The Oba and his chiefs prayed at this shrine to ward off danger to Lagos (and later Nigeria generally) in times past. They also prayed there prior to leaving the palace for any private or official function to ward off evil. Moreover, before going out, the Oba is supposed to visit this shrine in order to be told how his journey will be. Questions such as whether the journey will be favorable and whether it is safe for the Oba to embark on such a journey would typically be asked.
Iga Idunganran All the Obas of Lagos before Oba Akitoye are buried in Benin City. Oba Akitoye was the first Oba of Lagos to be buried within the modern palace. All Obas except Sanusi Olusi and Kosoko are buried at Iga Idunganran.
Iga Idunganran Special rites/prayers are performed every sixteen days in the palace, usually by the Araba of Lagos, Chief Ajanaku, though the Oba does on occasion use other traditional priests and priestesses depending on the priority and the occasion, and the perceived spiritual prowess of such people. Some of the items necessary for performing these rituals are bitter kola, kola-nuts, alligator pepper, palm oil, schnapps or any plain gin, chickens, pigeons, goats or rams and anything else the Ifa oracle may decree, short of a human life.
Iga Idunganran Iga Idunganran has served as an administration centre, the island's market and hosted the Eyo festival.
Iga Idunganran "IGA", derived from the Oyo/Ife Yoruba language "GAA" meaning Royal Home or Palace, "IDUN" means land, place or "sound of" while "IGANRAN" is the Yoruba word for pepper. Iga Idunganran therefore translates to mean "the palace built on a pepper farm", Aromire having used the land previously as a farm.