Top 10 similar words or synonyms for hydrocyclone

decanter    0.863690

clarifier    0.847758

hydrocyclones    0.791459

coalescer    0.762725

cyclonic    0.741828

centrate    0.741711

hydroclone    0.741366

crystallizer    0.736648

cyclone    0.726530

desalter    0.716932

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for hydrocyclone

Article Example
Hydrocyclone Hydrocyclones can be made of metal (mostly steel), ceramic or plastic (such as polyurethane, polypropylene, or other types). Metal or ceramic hydrocyclones are used for situations requiring more strength, or durability in terms of heat or pressure. When there is an occurrence of much abrasion (such as occurs with sand particles) polyurethane performs better than metals or ceramics. Metal lined with polyurethane is used in cases of combined abrasion and high pressure.
Hydrocyclone ℓ is the height of the vortex tube of hydrocyclone
Hydrocyclone The geometry of the cyclone involves-inlet shape and area, cyclone dimensions (cone angle, length of cylindrical section and total length of the cyclone) and inlet, vortex and apex diameters.
Hydrocyclone In a suspension of particles with the same density, a relatively sharp cut can be made. The size at which the particles separate is a function of cyclone diameter, exit dimensions, feed pressure and the relative characteristics of the particles and the liquid. Efficiency of separation is a function of the solids' concentration: the higher the concentration, the lower the efficiency of separation. There is also a significant difference in suspension density between the base exit (fines) and the apex exit, where there is little liquid flow.
Hydrocyclone A hydrocyclone is most often used to separate "heavies" from a liquid mixture originating at a centrifugal pump or some other continuous source of pressurized liquid. A hydrocyclone is most likely to be the right choice for processes where "lights" are the greater part of the mixture and where the "heavies" settle fairly easily.