Top 10 similar words or synonyms for gedanke

begleitet    0.845795

lacht    0.842333

epochen    0.841012

einzige    0.838225

namens    0.835794

grundbegriffe    0.830775

asthetik    0.830470

verschiedene    0.829262

nationalepos    0.828799

wahrnehmung    0.828760

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for gedanke

Article Example
Nordic race In Germany, however, the influence of Nordicism remained powerful. There it was known under the term "Nordischer Gedanke" ("Nordic thought").
Karl Ludwig Michelet In 1845 Michelet founded the Berlin Philosophical Society, which has continuously represented the Hegelianism of Germany. He was the first editor of "Der Gedanke" (1860), the official organ of the society.
Style and Idea (Schoenberg) Style and Idea: Selected Writings of Arnold Schoenberg (in German: "Stil und Gedanke") is the name for a published collection of essays, articles and sketches by Arnold Schoenberg, that has appeared in various forms.
Nordic race Hans F. K. Günther, one of Fischer's students, first defined "Nordic thought" in his programmatic book "Der Nordische Gedanke unter den Deutschen". He became the most influential German in this field. His "Short Ethnology of the German People" (1929) was very widely circulated.
Rosi Wolfstein Rosi Wolfstein was away in Düsseldorf on 15 January 1919 when Rosa Luxemburg was murdered in Berlin. Together with her partner, Paul Frölich, for the next ten years she effectively worked as Luxemburg's literary executor, gathering together the various papers left behind into a coherent archive. One product of this was Frölich's biography of Luxemburg, "Rosa Luxemburg. Thoughts and Action" (""Rosa Luxemburg. Gedanke und Tat""), which was published, initially, in Paris in 1939.