Top 10 similar words or synonyms for ferruginous_brownish

shining_ochreous    0.842248

fuscous_irregularly    0.839074

fuscous_sprinkled    0.829478

sprinkled_dark_fuscous    0.829165

light_ochreous_yellowish    0.827498

fuscous_tinged    0.827100

suffusedly_mixed    0.825566

pale_whitish_ochreous    0.821288

whitish_posteriorly    0.820009

whitish_irrorated    0.818544

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for ferruginous_brownish

Article Example
Epermenia pithanopis The wingspan is about 11 mm. The forewings are whitish, the costal half suffused with pale ferruginous-brownish except for undefined spaces at about one-third and two-thirds. There is a streak of pale ferruginous-brownish suffusion along the fold and the discal stigmata is very small and black. There are three groups of projecting black scales from the dorsal margin. The hindwings are grey.
Axiagasta stactogramma The wingspan is about 17 mm. Adults have a whitish-ochreous head. The forewings are elongate and ferruginous-brownish irregularly marbled with blackish irroration. The hindwings are grey, but darker towards the apex.
Lecithocera leucoceros The wingspan is 13-14 mm. The forewings are ferruginous-brownish-ochreous, speckled darker and with the extreme costal edge whitish-ochreous. The discal stigmata are fuscous, the second forming a transverse mark. The hindwings are ochreous-whitish.
Auratonota paramaldonada The wingspan is about 27 mm. The ground colour of the forewings is whitish cream, with brownish and ferruginous brownish suffusions. The markings are brown. The hindwings are brown.
Dichomeris attenta The wingspan is about 11 mm. The forewings are pale ochreous suffusedly speckled with grey and with the anterior two-thirds of the costa rather broadly suffused with ochreous-whitish. The costal edge is dark fuscous towards the base and the stigmata is dark fuscous, the plical obliquely beyond the first discal. There is a cloudy additional dot midway between the plical and the base, as well as an acutely angulated obscure ferruginous-brownish transverse line just beyond the second discal and some cloudy marginal dots of ferruginous-brownish irroration around the apex, and some dark fuscous irroration towards the termen beneath the apex. The hindwings are grey.