Top 10 similar words or synonyms for electrolytic

electrolyte    0.815786

electrolysis    0.729412

electrochemical    0.675689

plating    0.646474

anode    0.630710

electroplating    0.630461

anodic    0.595364

anolyte    0.579720

electrodeposition    0.578131

lithium    0.570657

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for electrolytic

Article Example
Conductivity (electrolytic) The commonly used standard cell has a width of 1 cm, and thus for very pure water in equilibrium with air would have a resistance of about 10 ohm, known as a megohm. Ultra-pure water could achieve 18 megohms or more. Thus in the past, megohm-cm was used, sometimes abbreviated to "megohm". Sometimes, conductivity is given in "microSiemens" (omitting the distance term in the unit). While this is an error, it can often be assumed to be equal to the traditional μS/cm.
Conductivity (electrolytic) The electrical conductivity of a solution of an electrolyte is measured by determining the resistance of the solution between two flat or cylindrical electrodes separated by a fixed distance. An alternating voltage is used in order to avoid electrolysis. The resistance is measured by a conductivity meter. Typical frequencies used are in the range 1–3 kHz. The dependence on the frequency is usually small, but may become appreciable at very high frequencies, an effect known as the Debye–Falkenhagen effect.
Conductivity (electrolytic) Tables of reference conductivities are available for many common solutions.
Conductivity (electrolytic) The specific conductance, κ (kappa) is the reciprocal of the specific resistance.
Conductivity (electrolytic) Strong electrolytes are believed to dissociate completely in solution. The conductivity of a solution of a strong electrolyte at low concentration follows Kohlrausch's Law