Top 10 similar words or synonyms for dispersivity

dispersability    0.788996

dispersiblity    0.788733

dispersibilities    0.778265

mixability    0.775104

emulsifiability    0.762025

redispersibility    0.750733

dissolubility    0.748985

dispersiveness    0.743747

monodispersibility    0.734748

pulverizability    0.730989

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for dispersivity

Article Example
Hydrogeology Dispersivity is actually a factor which represents our "lack of information" about the system we are simulating. There are many small details about the aquifer which are being averaged when using a macroscopic approach (e.g., tiny beds of gravel and clay in sand aquifers), they manifest themselves as an "apparent" dispersivity. Because of this, α is often claimed to be dependent on the length scale of the problem — the dispersivity found for transport through 1 m of aquifer is different from that for transport through 1 cm of the same aquifer material.
Numerical dispersion In applied computational mathematics, numerical dispersion is a difficulty with computer simulations of continua (such as fluids) wherein the simulated medium exhibits a higher dispersivity than the true medium. This phenomenon can be particularly egregious when the system should not be dispersive at all, for example a fluid acquiring some spurious dispersion in a numerical model.
SaltMod The majority of the computer models available for water and solute transport in the soil (e.g. Swatre, DrainMod ) are based on Richard's differential equation for the movement of water in unsaturated soil in combination with a differential salinity dispersion equation. The models require input of soil characteristics like the relation between unsaturated soil moisture content, water tension, hydraulic conductivity and dispersivity.
Hydrogeology Hydrodynamic dispersivity (α, α) is an empirical factor which quantifies how much contaminants stray away from the path of the groundwater which is carrying it. Some of the contaminants will be "behind" or "ahead" the mean groundwater, giving rise to a longitudinal dispersivity (α), and some will be "to the sides of" the pure advective groundwater flow, leading to a transverse dispersivity (α). Dispersion in groundwater arises because each water "particle", passing beyond a soil particle, must choose where to go, whether left or right or up or down, so that the water "particles" (and their solute) are gradually spread in all directions around the mean path. This is the "microscopic" mechanism, on the scale of soil particles. More important, on long distances, can be the macroscopic inhomogeneities of the aquifer, which can have regions of larger or smaller permeability, so that some water can find a preferential path in one direction, some other in a different direction, so that the contaminant can be spread in a completely irregular way, like in a (three-dimensional) delta of a river.
Soil salinity control The models require input of soil characteristics like the relations between variable unsaturated soil moisture content, water tension, water retention curve, unsaturated hydraulic conductivity, dispersivity and diffusivity. These relations vary to a great extent from place to place and from time to time and are not easy to measure. Further, the models are difficult to calibrate under farmer's field conditions because the soil salinity here is spatially very variable. The models use short time steps and need at least a daily, if not an hourly, data base of hydrological phenomena. Altogether this makes model application to a fairly large project the job of a team of specialists with ample facilities.