Top 10 similar words or synonyms for diligente

clorinde    0.788109

palinure    0.779200

magnanime    0.778606

mutine    0.775392

magicienne    0.773239

tonnant    0.772119

infatigable    0.770544

foudroyant    0.767836

fougueux    0.766826

uranie    0.765134

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for diligente

Article Example
French corvette Diligente (1794) In 1810 Mr. T. Hoskins was appointed to command the "Diligente" store-ship.
French corvette Diligente (1801) "Diligente" took part in the Atlantic campaign of 1806 in Leissègues' squadron, culminating in the Battle of San Domingo.
French corvette Diligente (1801) In August 1808 "Diligente", captained by Commander Jean-François Lemaresquier, with the corvettes "Sylphe" and "Espiègle", sailed from France with supplies for the island of Martinique. British ships chased the group through the Bay of Biscay and captured "Sylphe" and "Espiègle". "Diligente" escaped, only to encounter the British sloop "Recruit", under Commander (later to be Admiral) Charles Napier, off Antigua. During a hard-fought action lasting three hours, "Recruit"s mainmast fell, putting her somewhat at "Diligente"s mercy. However, a lucky shot ignited "Diligente"s ammunition store, causing some damage. "Diligente" withdrew and later Lemaresquier justified his action on the grounds that other British naval vessels were approaching, which they were not, and the weight of "Recruit"s broadside, which was heavier.
French corvette Diligente (1801) In 1827 "Diligente" was again decommisioned for refitting. Then in 1828 she was in the Eastern Mediterranean.
French corvette Diligente (1801) Under Commandant Garibou "Diligente" took part in the expedition to the mouth of the Tagus River where a French squadron fought the Battle of the Tagus on 11 July 1831. The French vessels fought their way past the Portuguese forts guarding the mouth of the river and sailed up to Lisbon. There they forced the Portuguese king Dom Miguel to accede to French demands, among them that he recognize the July Monarchy. The French also seized all the military and commercial vessels they could find as reparations.