Top 10 similar words or synonyms for despero

eclipso    0.816345

annihilus    0.803039

mongul    0.798143

terrax    0.797498

mordru    0.796540

darkseid    0.793050

dormammu    0.784850

attuma    0.783465

amazo    0.781340

nekron    0.779480

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for despero

Article Example
Despero Despero first appeared in "Justice League of America" #1 (Oct. 1960) and writer Mike Conroy noted "It was the first of several run-ins the would-be universe conqueror would have with the superteam."
Despero Despero eventually reforms, and targets the Justice League member Gypsy. After murdering Gypsy's parents, Despero is about to kill her when the Martian Manhunter intervenes. The villain quickly defeats the Manhunter, although fellow Justice League member Guy Gardner arrives and hurls Despero away. Despero attacks the League at their headquarters, and kills the comatose Steel (on life support for injuries sustained during a battle against the androids of Professor Ivo). When Despero is about to murder the Blue Beetle, the Martian Manhunter bestows upon him the gift of "Mayavanna": a sacred Martian rite that provides the subject with a reality in which they obtain their desires. Despero sees himself killing the entire League and destroying the world, and is immediately at peace. The villain then reverts Despero into a fetus, and is eventually given to trader Manga Khan in exchange for his servant robot, L-Ron.
Despero Despero is an alien from the planet Kalanor, and in addition to a genius intellect possesses a third eye on his forehead capable of mind control, illusions, telekinesis, and telepathy. Despero is also empowered by the "Flame of Py'tar", a mystical source of power that grants him massive superhuman strength, durability, and the ability to alter his mass (from human-sized to massive). He has repeatedly been shown to be more powerful than Superman and Captain Marvel. However his power varies based on the psionic energy he wields.
Despero A re-aged Despero is angered by this defeat and escapes from Manga Khan, returning to Earth to battle the Justice League. Unknown to Despero, Kahn hires the bounty hunter Lobo to recapture him. Despero engages the Justice League, Justice League Europe, and Lobo in Times Square, New York City, and keeps them all at bay. A desperate Green Lantern Kilowog and L-Ron use the slave collar Despero still wears to switch minds with L-Ron, with the diminutive robot's body being destroyed shortly afterwards. Now in Despero's body, L-Ron returns to Manga Khan.
Despero Despero returned in an extensive story arc in "Justice League America" #37–40 (April–July 1990) and "Justice League Europe" #30 – 34 (Sept. 1991-Jan. 1992). The character's body reappeared as the host for L-Ron in "Justice League Task Force" #0 (Oct. 1994), #13–33 (June 1994 – March 1996), and #37 (Aug. 1996) and "Justice League International" Vol. 2 #67–68 (Aug.-Sept. 1994). Despero reappeared in spirit form in "Supergirl" vol. 4, #17–18 (Jan.-Feb. 1998) and "Young Justice" #6 (March 1999).