Top 10 similar words or synonyms for denpa

dempa    0.788096

zapaq    0.779682

kenkyusho    0.778373

kenkyujo    0.772079

kikou    0.771356

kensetsu    0.761992

kabushikigaisha    0.761403

sangyou    0.760239

shikenjo    0.757437

shimbunsha    0.752430

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for denpa

Article Example
Denpa , also or , is a Japanese term for individuals who are disconnected or dissociated from the people around them. They may entertain wild fantasies and persecutory delusions or other strong beliefs, and their speech or actions may seem strange or incoherent to outside observers. "Denpa" literally means "electromagnetic wave", and the original sense of "denpa-san" was of someone who thought they were receiving voices, thoughts, or instructions directly to their mind via electromagnetic radiation. It is often used as a characterization in anime, manga, and Japanese light novels, such as "Ground Control to Psychoelectric Girl".
Denpa song Denpa songs are often mis-characterized as cute and happy, since a large number of denpa music involve over-the-top moe themes which are extremely happy, cute and sometimes fast-paced, however this is not always the case, as they may also include much darker themes. One misconception of denpa music is that it is a type of "cute J-Pop", a label which is inaccurate since it is a largely underground trend, is not popular mainstream music, and has a completely different scene to that of J-Pop. Denpa was in early days associated mainly with creepy music, and as a result became largely frowned upon amongst the mainstream and remained confined to niche otaku groups. Under17 was a popular band which made songs that were musically cute with quirky lyrics, and these songs altered the external perception of denpa music.
Denpa song Alternative terms for denpa music coined in recent times include Akiba-pop and A-pop. The term specifically refers to denpa music of otaku origin featuring moe themes.
Denpa song The term denpa song is a slang term that describes quirky, weird music. The term originally arose in the 1990s to describe quirky individuals who often daydream and live in their personal fantasies, and derives from the in 1981. The assailant, Kawamata Gunji, was using illicit substances when he slashed random bystanders in broad daylight, killing two housewives and two toddlers, and injuring many others. When confronted in court, he explained that electromagnetic waves ("denpa") were telling him to kill people, and pleaded insanity. By the early 1990s, the term "denpa" began to appear throughout music and literature, and the phrase was used to describe delusional, creepy people or crazed lunatics as a derogatory euphemism, based on the idea that such people could hear voices, see things and communicate through telepathy as a result of electromagnetic waves. Examples of such usage at the time include songs by the Japanese metal band KING-SHOW which made references to the murder incident.
Denpa song In regards to music, the term obtained a negative connotation, and was mainly associated with music that was considered creepy, and had incomprehensible lyrics, often of otaku origin. Since otaku were often seen as strange people who behaved differently from others, denpa became widely associated with otaku culture in Japan and the Akihabara scene. Eventually "denpa" began to encompass anyone who seemed quirky or out of tune with reality, as if these people were receiving electromagnetic waves, and were being hypnotized or controlled by them. As time progressed, the denpa song categorization of music began to take form, and such music became popular amongst otaku circles as a niche interest and lifestyle separate from the mainstream.