Top 10 similar words or synonyms for couguar

jaguarundi    0.777553

yagouaroundi    0.775532

concolor    0.769983

onca    0.744206

wiedii    0.736469

coryi    0.734816

cacomitli    0.730663

leopardus    0.717886

hippotragus    0.702352

miracinonyx    0.700391

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for couguar

Article Example
Cougar The pertinent North American subspecies is "P. concolor couguar".
Cougar On March 2, 2011, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service declared the Eastern cougar ("Puma concolor couguar") officially extinct.
North American cougar The North American cougar ("Puma concolor couguar"), is the cougar subspecies once commonly found in eastern North America and still prevalent in the western half of the continent.
Eastern cougar In 1792, Robert Kerr of the Royal Physical Society and Royal Society of Surgeons assigned the name "Felis couguar" to eastern North America cougars north of Florida. John Audubon in 1851 believed that cougars in both North and South America were indistinguishable. The eastern cougar was first assigned to the subspecies "Felis concolor couguar" and the Florida panther ("F. c. coryi"). Young and Goldman based their description of the eastern subspecies on their examination of eight of the existing 26 historic specimens.
Eastern cougar In 2000, Culver et al., recommended that based on recent genetic research, all North American cougars be classified as a single subspecies, "Puma concolor couguar" following the oldest named subspecies (Kerr in 1792).