Top 10 similar words or synonyms for christenunie

christianunion    0.875527

groenlinks    0.865349

partij    0.860559

pvda    0.853137

greenleft    0.833477

socialistische    0.814546

agalev    0.801477

volkspartij    0.798495

liberaal    0.797373

rouvoet    0.790597

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for christenunie

Article Example
Urk Voting patterns used to be relatively stable, with approximately 85-90% of the votes spread out evenly over SGP, ChristenUnie and CDA (each between 25-35%). CDA in Urk usually got more votes in national elections than in local elections, while ChristenUnie's support is sometimes twice locally compared to what it receives from Urk voters in national elections (this is sometimes attributed to the apparent left-wing leanings of the ChristenUnie nationally, while ChristenUnie in Urk tends to be more conservative). SGP's support locally is not much different from its support in national elections.
Bible Belt (Netherlands) The Bible Belt provides a base of support for Christian Democratic parties, especially the two (small) Christian parties; SGP and ChristenUnie.
Simone Kennedy-Doornbos S.J. (Simone) Kennedy-Doornbos (born 19 December 1970 in Kampen) is a Dutch politician of the ChristianUnion (ChristenUnie). She is also a tour operator and former translator.
Stichtse Vecht VVD, CDA, D66, ChristenUnie-SGP, Streekbelangen and Het Vechtse Verbond have formed a coalition. Together they have 22 seats. Members of the executive board are:
European Parliament election, 2009 (Netherlands) The ChristianUnion and SGP formed a common list ChristenUnie/SGP for the European Parliament election. Moreover, several parties formed an electoral alliance: