Top 10 similar words or synonyms for buffelsfontein

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Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for buffelsfontein

Article Example
Buffelsfontein mine The Buffelsfontein mine is one of the largest gold mines in the South Africa and in the world. The mine is located in the center of the country in Free State. The mine has estimated reserves of 11.02 million oz of gold.
Buffelsfontein uranium mine The Buffelsfontein mine is a large mine located in the northern part of South Africa in Gauteng. Buffelsfontein represents one of the largest uranium reserves in South Africa having estimated reserves of 59.3 million tonnes of ore grading 0.016% uranium.
Stilfontein Stilfontein was established in 1949 as a residential centre for three large gold mines, the Hartebeesfontein, Buffelsfontein and Stilfontein mines.
Stilfontein Stilfontein was struck by a mining-related earthquake on 9 March 2005, which damaged buildings in the town, which was followed by the closure of the Hartebeesfontein and Buffelsfontein mines when the Stilfontein Gold Mining was handed over into liquidation. The Simmer and Jack Mines took over the mines but disaster struck again on 23 March 2006 when a fire trapped 8 miners underground at the Buffelsfontein mine.
EMD GM6W It inspired limited sales. Four went to the Chemin de Fer de l'Etat Libanais in Lebanon One known unit, built January 1961, was bought by the Buffelsfontein Gold Mine at Stilfontein in North West Province, South Africa.