Top 10 similar words or synonyms for broccolis

aubergines    0.852437

parsnips    0.850257

collards    0.837832

artichokes    0.825735

celtuce    0.825251

celeries    0.817415

rutabagas    0.816567

kumquats    0.814583

muskmelon    0.810963

chives    0.810942

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for broccolis

Article Example
Kemalpaşa At about 2.500 hectares each, the respective shares of agricultural lands and forests in Kemalpaşa are roughly equal. Among the lands used for agriculture, fruit orchards, principally cherries, take the lead at 33% (758 hectares), with olive trees (22%, 400 hectares) and vineyards (16%, 370 hectares) following. The portion occupied by vineyards and grains more than halved between 2000 and 2006, while the land used for the production of cherries doubled. Since cherries are relatively easier to maintain and process, and a large national and export market exists, their production increasingly attracts the attention of urban-based and hobby-minded producers who would assure the daily care outside the collect typically through the offices of one villager. There is also a growing tendency towards diversification in the vegetables produced, new breeds in demand by Izmir's customer base and previously unheard of like broccolis, asparagus, soybeans, kiwis, kakis, also making their appearance. The level of mechanisation in agricultural activities is high and well above the national averages.