Top 10 similar words or synonyms for becn

fecn    0.786863

rerr    0.673062

qcn    0.660717

becns    0.656870

rrep    0.654968

dllps    0.644377

xcast    0.642619

xoff    0.641186

dllp    0.639950

dctcp    0.638543

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for becn

Article Example
Frame Relay BECN means backwards explicit congestion notification. The BECN bit can be set to 1 to indicate that congestion was experienced in the network in the direction opposite of the frame transmission, so it informs the "sender" that congestion has occurred.
Network congestion Backward ECN (BECN) is another proposed congestion mechanism. It uses ICMP source quench messages as an IP signalling mechanism to implement a basic ECN mechanism for IP networks, keeping congestion notifications at the IP level and requiring no negotiation between network endpoints. Effective congestion notifications can be propagated to transport layer protocols, such as TCP and UDP, for the appropriate adjustments.
Frame Relay Explicit congestion notification is proposed as the congestion avoidance policy. It tries to keep the network operating at its desired equilibrium point so that a certain quality of service (QoS) for the network can be met. To do so, special congestion control bits have been incorporated into the address field of the Frame Relay: FECN and BECN. The basic idea is to avoid data accumulation inside the network.
Beacon Roofing Supply Beacon Roofing Supply, Inc. (NASDAQ: BECN) is an American publicly traded company which sells residential and non-residential roofing products, as well as related building products in North America. The company currently consist of 13 regional companies in 42 states and 6 Canadian Provinces, 273 locations and over 2,800 employees. In addition to roofing, local divisions may also sell windows, siding, decking, waterproofing, and other external building products. In 2013, Beacon posted $2.04 billion in sales and $143.7 million in Operating Income. The company is currently headquartered in Herndon, Virginia.