Top 10 similar words or synonyms for anceschi

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Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for anceschi

Article Example
Luciano Anceschi Sensitive to new cultural trends, he was in favor of Hermeticism and Neo avant garde, working at the same time as theorist and militant reviewer: he published the "Saggi di poetica e poesia. Con una scheda sulla Swedenborg" (1942) and edited the anthologies of "Lirici nuovi" (1943) and "Lirica del Novecento" (Lyrics for the 20th Century) (1953). He was the author of the article "Ermetismo" (Hermeticism) in the "Enciclopedia del Novecento" (Encyclopedia of the 20th Century) (1977). Focusing on cultural models forgotten by Neo-idealism, he devoted himself to the themes of the Baroque period, publishing in 1953 "Del Barocco e altre prove" and in 1960 "Barocco e Novecento. Con alcune prospettive metodologiche" (The Baroque and the 20th Century: With Methodological Perspectives).
Luciano Anceschi In the publications from the 1960s, the central themes were poetics: "Poetiche del Novecento in Italia" (Italian Poetics of the 20th Century), 1961, "Le poetiche del Barocco", (Poetics of the Baroque), 1963 and of literary institutions: "Le istituzioni della poesia" (The Institutions of Poetry), 1968, "Da Ungaretti a D’Annunzio" (From Ungaretti to D'Annunzio), 1976, "Che cosa è la poesia?" (What Is Poetry?), 1986.
Stefano Anceschi The 2014 represents the year of his competitive reentry after so many surgical interventions. The international reentry has happened to the meeting in Geneva of June 14. Anceschi concludes the competitive season with a convincing 10 "74 on the 100 meters. It is of good auspice for the years to come. It have decided not to run on 200 meters and to postpone the competitive reentry a following years. From April of the 2014 Anceschi is enrolled for the Atletica Riccardi team. The Riccardi is one of the most glorious of Italy and it have win many Italian badges.
Luciano Anceschi He never gave up his study of philosophy: in 1955 he wrote "I presupposti storici e teorici dell’estetica kantiana" (The Historical and Theoretical Presuppositions of the Kantian Esthetic), from 1965 "D. Hume e i presupposti empirici dell’estetica kantiana" (D. Hume and the Empirical Presuppositions of the Kantian Esthetic), from 1967 "Burke e l’estetica dell’empirismo inglese" (Burke and the Esthetics of English Empiricism) and from 1972 "Da Bacone a Kant. Saggi di estetica" (From Bacon to Kant: Essays in Esthetics). In particular in "Progetto di una sistematica dell’arte" (Project for a Systematics of Art)(1962) he outlined a theory of aesthetic understanding of art forms such as phenomenology. He based all later research on the principles of critical phenomenology. In 1956 he founded the magazine "Il Verri", of which he was the editor, while also directing from 1973 for Paravia the series "La tradizione del nuovo"; within the university he directed the journal "Studi di estetica" (Studies in Esthetics), which synthesized the results of philosophical inquiry which he conducted along with his students.
Luciano Anceschi Among the more recent writings are "Il Chaos, il metodo. Primi lineamenti di una nuova estetica fenomenologica", (Chaos and Method: The Early Lineaments of a New Phenomenological Esthetic), 1981 and "Gli specchi della poesia. Riflessione, poesia, critica" (Mirrors of Poetry: Reflections, Poetry, Criticism), 1989.