Top 10 similar words or synonyms for akitakomachi

hitomebore    0.892624

hinohikari    0.871378

kinuhikari    0.857446

koshihikari    0.847017

haenuki    0.826130

dontokoi    0.822059

sasanishiki    0.805368

tsukinohikari    0.804575

mutsuhomare    0.793228

gohyakumangoku    0.781645

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for akitakomachi

Article Example
Koshihikari Other rice varieties close to its strains, such as Akitakomachi, Hitomebore, and Hinohikari have been created afterwards by cross-breeding "Koshihikari" with other Japanese varieties of rice.
Japanese rice Koshihikari () is a particularly esteemed cultivar and one of the most commonly grown in Japan. Akitakomachi is also quite popular. Sasanishiki is a cultivar known for keeping the same taste when cooled down. Yamada Nishiki is the most famous cultivar grown specifically for sake.