Top 10 similar words or synonyms for aguet

fassler    0.877879

grusby    0.869523

klemke    0.869378

sieling    0.869047

rulicke    0.863513

beug    0.860608

mertelsmann    0.860084

ryffel    0.859553

ellwart    0.859040

breitkreutz    0.858754

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for aguet

Article Example
Boussens, Switzerland The municipality is located in the southern Gros-de-Vaud area. It consists of the village of Boussens and the hamlets of Chevrine and Grange aux Aguet.
Stratton Rawson The recording "Christophe Columb" (Mode, 1992) featured Rawson as the Magician and narrator. This was a 1992 production of a 1940 BBC Radio play by William Aguet with music by Arthur Honegger. A Downtown Music Gallery review detailed the background on this production:
South Sudanese Civil War Johnson Olony led a militia that planned to be integrated into the SPLM government forces, but he switched to oppose the government when the government announced plans to carve up new states which the Shilluk felt was to divide their homeland. On 16 May 2015, Olony's militia and elements of the SPLM-IO captured Upper Nile's capital, Malakal, as well as Anakdiar and areas around Kodok. His Shilluk militia group now called itself the 'Agwelek forces'. The group said they want to run their affairs independently from others in Upper Nile State, and SPLM-IO backed away from claims that it is in charge of Olony's group and stated that Olony's interests simply coincides with theirs. SPLM-IO said they understood the feeling from the Shilluk community that they wanted a level of independence and that that was the reason the SPLM-IO last year created Fashoda state for the Shilluk kingdom and appointed Tijwog Aguet, a Shilluk, as governor.
Édouard Muller (Nestlé) Muller was given an introduction to start employment at Nestle Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company when Emil-Louis Roussy used his influence to help the 18-year-old. Edouard became the corresponding secretary for Mr. Alfred Liotard, who together with Mr. Louis Aguet headed Nestle’s overseas business starting October 1, 1903. Edouard was multi-lingual at this time. He spoke German, French and English. He enjoyed the hectic pace of work after the mail arrived by boat monthly. Edouard became friends with Ariste Lehmann, another Swiss in England and they saved and ventured to Paris to enjoy its cultures that differed from those in London. He did not enjoy the gray and damp London weather and longed for the warmer lakeside climate he grew up in.
ISREC Under the leadership of Rudolf Stadler (Chairman since 1951) and Henri Isliker (Director), ISREC was created on June 18, 1964 as a Swiss foundation. Initially, the ISREC was situated next to the University Hospital of Lausanne (CHUV). The ISREC was growing steadily. In 1970, the collaboration of the ISREC with the Institute of Biochemistry of the University of Lausanne, the WHO Immunology Research and Training Centre and the Lausanne branch of Ludwig Cancer Research constituted a critical mass of over 150 scientists. The space in the building on the rue du Bugnon became totally inadequate. The ISREC built a new research center in Epalinges and moved there in autumn 1976. In 1978, Henri Isliker handed the direction of ISREC to Bernhard Hirt who headed the Institute for 18 years. In 1996, Michel Aguet took over as director.