Top 10 similar words or synonyms for acinonyx

jubatus    0.933580

gazella    0.842455

panthera    0.832709

miracinonyx    0.817806

leopardus    0.816867

subgutturosa    0.810940

hemitragus    0.808031

wiedii    0.806805

antilope    0.805744

tragelaphus    0.805535

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for acinonyx

Article Example
Acinonyx Acinonyx is a genus within the cat family. The only living species of this genus, the cheetah, "A. jubatus", occurs and thrives in open grasslands of Africa and Asia. Though often described as a big cat, this term is used primarily to describe cats of the "Panthera" genus, ruling the cheetah out as a big cat.
Acinonyx "Acinonyx" was first described by Brookes in 1828. In 1993, it was placed in a monophyletic subfamily, Acinonychinae. Molecular phylogenetic analysis has shown that it is the sister group of the genus "Puma", and it is now placed within the subfamily Felinae.
Acinonyx Several other species of cheetah-like cats have existed since the late Pliocene epoch but have now become extinct. These cats occupied not only Africa, but parts of Europe and Asia as recently as 10,000 years ago. Several similar species, classified in the genus "Miracinonyx", lived in North America at the same time; however, these may have been more closely related to pumas.
Acinonyx Several fossil "Acinonyx" species in addition to the living cheetah have been described:
Acinonyx kurteni The fossil discovery was reported in 2008, and was claimed to be the most primitive "Acinonyx" lineage so far discovered. Further, the study concluded that the cheetahs originated in the Old World, not the New World as previously believed. It was thought to share some features with the modern cheetah, "Acinonyx jubatus", such as in having enlarged sinuses for air intake during sprinting, while its teeth show primitive features.