Top 10 similar words or synonyms for оь

уь    0.928154

къ_къ    0.924450

хъ_хъ    0.909889

гь_гь    0.901776

кь_кь    0.901494

кӏ_кӏ    0.892902

гъ_гъ    0.888015

кх    0.881719

цц    0.881595

гӏ    0.880332

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for оь

Article Example
Nogai language The Nogai alphabet based on Cyrillic was created in 1938. It included all of the Russian alphabet letters except Ё ё), and also the digraphs Гъ гъ, Къ къ, Нъ нъ. The digraphs Оь оь, Уь уь were added in the same year. In 1944 the digraphs Гъ гъ, Къ къ were excluded from the alphabet. The last reform of the Nogai alphabet took place in 1950, when it attained the current form.