Top 10 similar words or synonyms for crew

transparent    0.961245

orders    0.960575

examining    0.957995

gregorian    0.957787

vehicle    0.957757

breath    0.957407

comfort    0.957179

finally    0.956803

actual    0.956407

begins    0.956353

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for crew

Article Example
মানব মহাশূন্য যাত্রা The only crew fatality during launch occurred on 28 January 1986, when the Space Shuttle "Challenger" broke apart 73 seconds after liftoff, due to failure of a solid rocket booster seal which caused separation of the booster and failure of the external fuel tank, resulting in explosion of the fuel. All seven crew members were killed.
মানব মহাশূন্য যাত্রা , 22 crew members have died in accidents aboard spacecraft. Over 100 others have died in accidents during activity directly related to spaceflight or testing.
মানব মহাশূন্য যাত্রা The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has begun work on pre-project activities of a human space flight mission program. The objective is to carry a crew of two to Low Earth Orbit (LEO) and return them safely to a predefined destination on Earth. The program is proposed to be implemented in defined phases. Currently, the pre-project activities are progressing with a focus on the development of critical technologies for subsystems such as the Crew Module (CM), Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS), Crew Escape System, etc. The department has initiated pre-project activities to study technical and managerial issues related to crewed missions. The program envisages the development of a fully autonomous orbital vehicle carrying 2 or 3 crew members to about 300 km low earth orbit and their safe return.
মানব মহাশূন্য যাত্রা Most of the time, the only humans in space are those aboard the ISS, whose crew of six spends up to six months at a time in low Earth orbit.
মানব মহাশূন্য যাত্রা The Space Shuttle was retired in 2011 after 135 orbital flights, several of which helped assemble, supply, and crew the ISS. "Columbia" was destroyed in another accident during reentry, which killed 7 astronauts on 1 February 2003.