Top 10 similar words or synonyms for blade

omo    0.967433

naked    0.962570

unusual    0.961697

eris    0.961595

sweat    0.961531

thalia    0.961245

emraan    0.959563

shita    0.959379

shimu    0.959131

ジュウ    0.958970

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for blade

Article Example
থমকর্ড The mature leaves on the vine have three lobes with open upper lateral sinuses (spaces between the lobes) of medium depth. The main vein is slightly longer than the petiole (stalk attaching the leaf blade to the stem), and the petiole sinus opens widely. Between the veins on the underside of both the mature and young leaf there are dense hairs that lie flat against the surface. The teeth on the edge of the leaf blade are convex on both sides, medium in size, and short relative to their width. Young leaf blades are dark copper red on the upper surface.
বরফ স্কেটিং It had long been believed that ice is slippery because the pressure of an object in contact with it causes a thin layer to melt. The hypothesis was that the blade of an ice skate, exerting pressure on the ice, melts a thin layer, providing lubrication between the ice and the blade. This explanation, called "pressure melting", originated in the 19th century. This, however, did not account for skating on ice temperatures lower than −3.5 °C, whereas skaters often skate on lower-temperature ice. In the 20th century, an alternative explanation, called "friction heating", was proposed, whereby friction of the material was causing the ice layer melting. However, this theory also failed to explain skating at low temperature. In fact, neither explanation explained why ice is slippery when standing still even at below-zero temperatures.
বরফ স্কেটিং The founder of modern figure skating as it is known today was Jackson Haines, an American. He was the first skater to incorporate ballet and dance movements into his skating, as opposed to focusing on tracing patterns on the ice. Haines also invented the sit spin and developed a shorter, curved blade for figure skating that allowed for easier turns. He was also the first to wear blades that were permanently attached to the boot.
আরবোভাইরাস (ব্যান্ড) "আরবোভাইরাস" বাংলাদেশের একটি হার্ড রক ব্যান্ড । ২০০২ সালে গিটারিস্ট সুহার্তো শেরিফ, আসিফ আজগর রঞ্জন এবং ড্রামার হিমেলের হাত ধরে যাত্রা শুরু করে আরবোভাইরাস। এরা তিনজন ছিলেন স্কুলজীবন বন্ধু। ব্যান্ডের নামটি মূলত Blade II কমিক বই থেকে সংরক্ষণ করা হয়। আরবোভাইরাস গঠিত হবার পর থেকে এখন পর্যন্ত অনেক মিউজিসিয়ানই এই ব্যান্ডের সাথে কাজ করেছে। সুফি ম্যাভেরিক(ভোকাল), সুহার্তো শেরিফ (গিটার), আসিফ আজগর রঞ্জন (গিটার), আলদেন আলম (ব্যাস) এবং নাফিস আল আমিন(ড্রামস) হচ্ছে আরবোভাইরাসের বর্তমান লাইনআপ।
বরফ স্কেটিং A study by Federico Formenti of the University of Oxford suggests that the earliest ice skating happened in southern Finland more than 3,000 years ago. Originally, skates were merely sharpened, flattened bone strapped to the bottom of the foot. Skaters did not actually skate on the ice, but rather glided on top of it. True skating emerged when a steel blade with sharpened edges was used. Skates now cut into the ice instead of gliding on top of it. Adding edges to ice skates was invented by the Dutch in the 13th or 14th century. These ice skates were made of steel, with sharpened edges on the bottom to aid movement. The construction of modern ice skates has stayed largely the same since then. In the Netherlands, ice skating was considered proper for all classes of people, as shown in many pictures by the Old Masters.