Top 10 similar words or synonyms for vegetation

surfactants    0.975513

extracurricular    0.968272

freeliving    0.965924

dispersing    0.963971

musajev    0.963089

bounded    0.962728

communities    0.961095

thermodynamic    0.960547

mammadzada    0.959730

salinity    0.959586

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for vegetation

Article Example
Vaqif Novruzov (botanik) 8. The anthropogenic dynamics and the preservation of vegetation of the Western region of Azerbaijan” Romania,İnternational Multidisciplinary Research Journal, European Academik Research, vol.I, Issue 11,February 2014.
Ninel Qarayeva 6. Karayeva N.I. Preliminary studies of the Caspian vegetation of macrophytes with regard to contamination. Intern. Journ. on Algae, v. 5, № 2, 2003, səh. 96-104.
Minarə Həsənova 6.“Comparative study of technogenic contaminated soil and natural vegetation of Azerbaijan”, The seventh Eurasian conference nuclear science and its application. Book of abstracts, October 21-24, 2014, Baku - Azerbaijan