Top 10 similar words or synonyms for toyosato

iwanai    0.890205

sannohe    0.887817

mitoyo    0.884489

nakasato    0.882437

yamakita    0.881072

hadano    0.878857

oiwake    0.875733

shiroishi    0.875118

kamikawa    0.874031

hiyoshi    0.873276

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for toyosato

Article Example
Toyosato, Shiga From Feudal to modern times, Toyosato has been the home of many merchants because of economic encouragement from "daimyō" and because traffic can flow smoothly (Nakasendō), although it was not an area that had good irrigation for agriculture. Successful merchants such as the founder of Itochu contributed to the modernization of the city. Tetsujirō Furukawa donated ferroconcrete school buildings designed by William Merrell Vories for the Toyosato Elementary School in 1937. The Toyosato Elementary School moved to a new building in 2004, but the residents of Toyosato moved to preserve the historic school. In 2009, the anime "K-On!" featured a school modeled on Toyosato Elementary, which drew the attention of otaku.
Toyosato Station Toyosato Station (豊郷駅) is the name of two train stations in Japan:
Toyosato, Shiga As of 2003, Toyosato's estimated population was 7,292 and had a density of 937.28 persons per km². The total area is 7.78 km², which makes it the smallest town in Shiga Prefecture. It is said to be the home of Gōshū Ondo.
Toyosato, Miyagi As of November 2005, the town had an estimated population of 7,194 people and a population density of 219.00 persons per km². The total area was 32.85 km² (apx. 13 mi².).
Toyosato, Miyagi On April 1, 2005, Toyosato, along with the towns of Hasama, Ishikoshi, Minamikata, Nakada, Toyoma, Towa and Yoneyama (all from Tome District) were merged with the town of Tsuyama (from Motoyoshi District) to create the city of Tome.