Top 10 similar words or synonyms for seatings

slideways    0.705365

spigots    0.702695

tenons    0.699208

mortises    0.689166

counterbores    0.679509

flattenings    0.659840

cutaways    0.659587

throughbores    0.638047

crosspieces    0.631792

borings    0.626708

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for seatings

Article Example
Malaysian Philharmonic Youth Orchestra Current members will need to undergo internal auditions once per season during the June camp for reevaluation of seatings and renewal of their membership.
Cardboard box More common are small seatings or little tables made from corrugated cardboard. Merchandise displays made of cardboard are often found in self-service shops.
FS Class ALe 642 The main differences are in the electrical part (especially traction control and low tension circuitry) and for the presence of 2nd class only seatings. The frontal part containing cabins consists of a preformed structure made of polyester reinforced with fiberglass.
Promi Big Brother (season 2) This year's "Promi Big Brother" contains two floors, each floor having its separate living areas, bathrooms, bedrooms and diary rooms. The upper floor is luxurious, whilst the lower floor is meager with no beds or real seatings.
Irchelpark As of December 2014, Irchelpark comprises spacious grounds including the spacious lake, and in its natural state, surrounded streams and one separate pond, playground and lawns, seatings and fire pits. Popular is also the sand plant for running and the lookout point, as well as sculptures created by Swiss artists, and the anthropological museum "Anthropologisches Museum".