Top 10 similar words or synonyms for sealings

gaskets    0.673949

polypack    0.615267

hermetical    0.609185

leaktightness    0.607201

seals    0.599602

annuluses    0.585243

gasketed    0.583187

leadthroughs    0.581650

fixings    0.555387

septums    0.549656

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for sealings

Article Example
Persepolis Administrative Archives From a group of 52 uninscribed sealings, some impressions were similar to the sealings found in the Persepolis Treasury Archive.
Hamoukar Thousands of clay sealings have been found on the site, indicating the existence of a complex bureaucratic system before the invention of writing. These sealings were once used to lock doors or containers and were impressed with stamp seals.
Ancient Near Eastern seals and sealing practices Charvát, Petr 2005. The Backs of Some Sealings from Nineveh 5. Iraq 67: 391–397.
Malcolm H. Wiener “Round-Table Comments”, "Aegean Seals, Sealings and Administration, Aegaeum" 5, 1990
Ancient Near Eastern seals and sealing practices Jans G. & Bretschneider J. 2011 (2012), Seals and Sealings of Tell Beydar/Nabada (Seasons 1995-2001). Subartu XXVII, Turnhout Brepols.