Top 10 similar words or synonyms for pullar

impey    0.755685

astill    0.752185

fotheringham    0.750501

goodlad    0.749094

foord    0.746101

worrall    0.745883

gwilliam    0.745069

rabone    0.745050

bromage    0.742534

merrett    0.741109

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for pullar

Article Example
Robert Pullar At the time of his election, he was six days short of his 79th birthday, making his possibly the oldest parliamentary debut of an MP in the 20th century. He rarely spoke in debates and was criticized by local trade unions for failing to support measures to help the unemployed.
Geoff Pullar His affectionate nickname was 'Noddy', not, as often said, because, once he was out, he was known to sleep often in the dressing room, but because he was once discovered watching the children's programme there.
Geoff Pullar He was, in any case, a skilled batsman, rarely lifting the ball off the surface while driving elegantly and adept at accumulating by flicking the ball off his toes towards fine leg. Preferring to play off the front foot, Pullar was also a good puller of the ball and could crack a square cut. In his younger days he had been compared to Charlie Hallows and Eddie Paynter, two of Lancashire's crowd pleasing greats - he had the artistry of the former and the pugnacious aggression and watchful determination of the latter.
Philippa Pullar "The Shortest Journey" - 1984 - ISBN 0-04-291018-8
Robert Pullar He was apprenticed under his father in 1841, a junior partner in 1848 and ultimately senior partner in the local family firm of Pullars Dyeworks, a firm which also branched into dry cleaning, a technique he learned from Germany, establishing a plant in Tulloch in 1882. He was known as an extensive and generous donor to local charities and other local causes and a benevolent employer, although in the last year of his life there was a major strike in the firm when he refused to discuss wage rises. He was a J.P. for the County of Perth. He was knighted in the 1895 Birthday Honours. He travelled widely in Russia, Scandinavia, America and the Middle East.