Top 10 similar words or synonyms for maropa

machineri    0.844756

pacawara    0.825423

cayubaba    0.817643

ignaciano    0.816950

desana    0.805846

itonama    0.791832

canichana    0.787563

zamuco    0.782463

mayoruna    0.779723

yaruro    0.772099

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for maropa

Article Example
Reyesano language Evidently the name "Reyesano" comes from the name of the town of Reyes, of the Province of Ballivián in the Departmentof the Beni in the plains adjacent to the Bolivian Amazon. The language is also known as Sapiboca (Sapibocona), Maropa, Chumana, and perhaps Warisa (Guariza); these may have corresponded to different dialects.
Bolivia Bolivia has great linguistic diversity as a result of its multiculturalism. The Constitution of Bolivia recognizes 36 official languages besides Spanish: Aymara, Araona, Baure, Bésiro, Canichana, Cavineño, Cayubaba, Chacobo, Chiman, Ese Ejja, Guaraní, Guarasuawe, Guarayu, Itonama, Leco, Machajuyai-Kallawaya, Machineri, Maropa, Mojeño-Trinitario, Mojeño-Ignaciano, Moré, Mosetén, Movima, Pacawara, Puquina, Quechua, Sirionó, Tacana, Tapiete, Toromona, Uruchipaya, Weenhayek, Yaminawa, Yuki, Yuracaré and Zamuco.