Top 10 similar words or synonyms for ketazocine

oxilorphan    0.909923

noracymethadol    0.909601

nalfurafine    0.900110

fencamfamine    0.896917

norcodeine    0.896616

bremazocine    0.896036

morpheridine    0.893450

nabitan    0.893080

mepixanox    0.890799

xorphanol    0.890599

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for ketazocine

Article Example
Ketazocine Ketazocine (INN), also known as ketocyclazocine, is a benzomorphan derivative used in opioid receptor research. Ketocyclazocine is an exogenous opioid that binds to the κ opioid receptor.
Ketazocine Unlike other opioids, substances that only bind to the κ receptor theoretically do not depress the respiratory system.
Ketazocine Activation of this receptor is known to cause sleepiness, a decrease in pain sensation and (potentially) dysphoria, paranoia, and hallucinations. It also causes an increase in urine production because it inhibits the release of vasopressin. (Vasopressin is an endogenous substance that assists in regulating fluid and electrolyte balance in the body and decreases the amount of water released into the urine.)
Κ-opioid receptor The synthetic alkaloid ketazocine and terpenoid natural product salvinorin A are potent and selective KOR agonists. The KOR also mediates the dysphoria and hallucinations seen with opioids such as pentazocine.
Salvinorin A Salvinorin A is unique in that it is the only naturally occurring substance known to induce a visionary state via this mode of action; there are "synthetic" KOR agonists, (e.g. enadoline, ketazocine, pentazocine and relatives), which show similar hallucinatory and dissociative effects.