Top 10 similar words or synonyms for chines

sponsons    0.749271

skegs    0.741595

gunwales    0.729309

sponson    0.728236

strakes    0.722069

chine    0.711474

wingtips    0.709089

prow    0.701681

hydrofoils    0.685218

strake    0.679777

Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for chines

Article Example
Chine An inventory of chines on the Isle of Wight follows, listing chines clockwise from Cowes:
Grange Chine and Marsh Chine Both chines have much shallower sides than other chines on the Isle of Wight and are extensively covered with hardy bushes, stunted trees and scrub.
Chine (aeronautics) Blending the chines into both the fuselage and the main wing avoids presenting corner reflectors or vertical sides to radars. This has led fifth-generation jet fighter designs to replace low-stealth canard surfaces with chines, when helping to generate vortex lift over the main wings. (An exception is the Chengdu J-20, whose canards are mounted inline with its chines.)
Chine (boating) Designs with higher numbers of chines (D), often just called multichine hulls, are also common. By increasing the number of chines, the hull can very closely approximate a round bottomed hull. Kayaks, in particular, are often composed of many chines, required for the complex shapes needed to provide good performance under various conditions.
Brighstone Bay Several chines, some with streams like the Buddle Brook (Grange Chine) lie along this coast.